Ketogenic Diets Can Help You Lose Weight
Although they can be high in fat, the low carb and high protein intake induces a sense of fullness. Ketones are a fuel source and are potent natural appetite suppressants.
By limiting carbohydrates the liver produces ketones as the alternate fuel source -a process known as ketosis.
The appetite suppression and increased satiety are essential for effective weight loss.
Tiredness, bad breath, nausea, constipation, and sleep problems are common early problems but do settle quickly.
Although effective for weight loss the diet tends to be difficult to sustain and weight regain tends to occur when carbohydrates are re-introduced. There are also some concerns raised about the safety of Long term very low carbohydrate diets, the evidence for the safety of long term ketosis has not been established.
Long term low carb Mediterranean diets with high protein and high healthy fats may be a better choice.
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